Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is a revolutionary treatment that has emerged as a promising autologous biological treatment modality for the use in aesthetic and regenerative medicine.

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Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

PRP relieves pain by promoting long lasting healing of musculoskeletal conditions using the healing power of your own body. PRP Therapy has been increasing in popularity due to its use and success with celebrities, professional athletes and weekend warriors for injuries and chronic pain. This type of therapy provides patients with an alternative to surgery by promoting safe and natural healing.

How Does Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Work?

Platelet Rich Plasma contains 5-10 times as many growth factors than whole blood. After your platelets reach the injury they release Cytokines, which are Growth Factors. These growth factors play a very important role in helping the body initiate healing. Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF), Vascular Endothelia Growth Factor (VEGF), and Transforming Growth Factor–Beta (TGF-B) are a few of the very important signals that help the recruitment of MSC's to the damaged area. These cells cause an acceleration of tissue regeneration through the development of new blood vessels, bone, cartilage and collagen syntheses. Providing highly effective healing of many conditions and injuries that have not responded to other treatment methods. Because your own blood is used, there is no risk for transmissible infection and a very low risk of allergic reaction.

Understanding The Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Procedure

At your appointment a small amount of your blood will be drawn with anticoagulant and placed into a FDA medically approved container. This sterile disposable container is placed in a specialized centrifuge for a single ten-minute spin. During the centrifugation process the high speed separates the whole blood into layers of platelet rich plasma (PRP) and red blood cells. After the centrifugation is complete the sterile container is then placed in a separating device and the PRP layer is aspirated from the red blood cells and is ready to be injected into the area of concern.

What makes Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy unique at Infinity Regenerative Medicine?

State of the art equipment is used to produce the highest quality of customized Platelet concentrations. Our concentrating device is specifically designed to cause minimal if any damage to the platelets. Each procedure is done by hand to create the exact volume and concentration of platelets for each specific application.

Using the right treatment on the right structure will create the best and most desirable outcomes. Dr. Browning preforms each injection under ultrasound guidance to ensure the PRP is injected into and around the point of injury. This personal, hands on approach results in a highly successful treatment that usually requires fewer sessions to accomplish the desired results.

Conditions that Can Be Treated with PRP Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment Before & After Guidelines

Before Treatment:
  • Avoid corticosteroid medications for 2 to 3 weeks prior to the procedure.
  • Stop taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or aspirin (low dose, 81mg, aspirin may be permissible), or arthritis medications such as Celebrex, a week prior to the procedure
  • If you take Coumadin, Heparin, Lovenox, Warfarin, Pradaxa, Debigatran, Orgaran, Innohep, Fragmin, Argatroban, Plavix, Effient, Prasugrel, ReoPro, Ticlid, Trental, Persantine, or any other blood thinner, notify your doctor. This medication must be discontinued prior to an injection and requires permission from the provider prescribing it.

After Treatment:
  • Due to the numbness we ask that you refrain from any strenuous activities but to stay mobile. Continue to move affected area to decrease soreness and stiffness.
  • After the anesthesia wears off you may resume activities to tolerance pain. Restricted weight bearing may apply for knees and hips if Dr. Browning advises.
  • You will experience some pain and soreness 2-5 days after your treatment. The initial inflammatory phase last 7 days and secondary phase can last up to 14 days.
  • No anti-inflammatory medication (Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve) should be used while under treatment.
  • Extra Strength Tylenol q4-6 hours for pain, Ice as needed for pain (only on day of injection) and or swelling (10-20 minutes to cool the skin, repeat every 2-3 hours). Make sure to place a barrier between your skin and the ice.
  • You may experience the “roller coaster” syndrome where you feel great one day and for no apparent reason the area/s treated starts to hurt again, this is normal in the healing process.
  • To reach our goal of improvement in pain, you may or may not need more than 1 treatment to reach that goal. Sometimes a series of 2-3 treatments are needed to achieve complete healing. If subsequent treatments are needed they are usually performed 6-8 weeks apart.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Expected Results

PRP Therapy injections do not immediately resolve pain. The goal of PRP therapy is to actually heal the injured site; the results are usually long term and often permanent. Initial improvement in pain and mobility usually occur 2-3 months after the initial injection and continue to improve over the next 6 months.

The exact number of treatments varies based on the area that was injured, the type of injury, and your body’s ability to successfully heal. Generally you can expect considerable to complete pain relief after the first or second injection. Sometimes a series of 2-3 treatments are needed to achieve complete healing. If subsequent treatments are needed they are usually performed 6-8 weeks apart.